To get started with e-kids and make the most of the programme...
Teachers have all the skills they need to successfully run a project in class. The e-kids tool provides an entrepreneurial touch to their approach.
Setting up an entrepreneurial initiative in a primary school is certainly an innovative approach in France.
BGE Flandre Création drew inspiration from the experiences they acquired in Quebec during the course of various research missions looking at entrepreneurial education techniques. Teachers in Quebec start using entrepreneurial activities in nursery school. Exposing pupils on a regular basis to these experiences from a very young age is essential when it comes to cultivating an entrepreneurial spirit.
Training the teachers
E-kids was created in collaboration with teachers, head-teachers, school inspectors and the team at BGE Flandre Création.

We offer teachers training days that are focused on:
- Discovering the site and learning how it works.
- Presenting the educational workshops and the different steps of the process. The teachers take part in the project themselves: creating their crest, finding an entrepreneurial idea, exploring the chronological poster…
- Using the evaluation tools: teachers encourage pupils to be aware of the quality of their work and to be proud of their achievements.

Coaching is a personalised system of support. We offer sessions that last one hour to prepare each step of the e-kids journey. Detailed explanations are provided at every stage as the entrepreneurial project unfolds
Coaching permits a comprehensive follow-up, with meetings by telephone and video-conferences planned in advance.
To find out more about our support solutions